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Både Biskop Ingeborg Midttømme og Imam Ebraima K. M. Saidy fra den norske delegasjonen var involvert i seremonien som ble avholdt i St. Trinity Parish Cathedral.

Nigel Crawhall, leder for IPACC (indigenous peoples of africa co-ordinating committee) oppsummerer kvelden slik:

"I don't think I have words to describe this evening. You just had to be there. I think we had so many "firsts." Poland may never be the same again. Religious leaders and faith-based activists on climate justice gathered at St Trinity Parish Cathedral in central Warsaw. We were hosted by the Polish Ecumenical Council. The mass involved a welcome by Archbishop Seraphim of the Orthodox Church for Southern Africa. The liturgy was given by a Polish Lutheran Pastor, a Norwegian (female) Bishop, a Polish Evangelical priest and a Polish Methodist Bishop. Desertrose preformed 3 pieces - including Ave Maria combined with a sufi prayer; the Lord's Prayer sung in Aramaic, English, Arabic and isiXhosa. And an African imam based in Norway closed with an Islamic teaching on environmental stewardship and duty as set out in the Holy Qur'an - including reading the scriptures in Arabic. The Eucharist was given by four Protestant clergy and blessings from the Orthodox Archbishop. In a country that is over 90% Roman Catholic - this was a rich offering to testify to the unity of humanity in the challenge to protect our Earth from human driven climate change - and to generously repair what damage we have done with compassion for future generations, vulnerable peoples and other species. If the COP19 delegates had spent the evening with us - we'd have a binding Green House Gas emissions treaty signed here in Warsaw. Tomorrow the work begins - tonight the prayers were offered."